Extensive Experience To Ensure We Got You Covered

The Intellectual

Property Rights

Why Should You Choose Themis Law Associates For Intellectual Property Rights

The Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) division at Themis law & Associates is one of the most efficient, success-driven, client-centric & result-oriented practice areas across law firms in India. Our IPR lawyers regularly advises numerous international and domestic clients ranging from Fortune 500 companies, multinational companies, partnership firms, start-ups, individuals, etc. Themis law Associates intellectual property lawyers in India have immense experience across varied fields of intellectual properties including (but not limited to) trademarks, copyrights, patents, industrial designs, plant varieties and geographical indications.

As one of the best intellectual property law firm in India, Themis law & Associates IPR team comprises motivated and well-qualified IPR lawyers who have immense experience in providing specific curated solutions to varied intellectual property issues including management of intellectual property portfolios; preparation of strategies for holistic protection of intellectual property rights (worldwide, including in India); prosecution of applications for trademark, copyright, patent, industrial designs and geographical indications; prosecution of trademark applications through the Madrid protocol; handling oppositions and cancellation actions; conducting intellectual property due diligence; handling enforcement actions against third-party infringers; commissioning investigations to ascertain information about counterfeit products as well as infringing goods/services; assisting with the assignment and licensing of intellectual property, prosecuting domain name disputes, etc..

Themislaw & Associates intellectual property lawyers in India also have vast experience in handling and offering cutting-edge solutions pertaining to other allied spheres of intellectual property matters such as drafting and reviewing Technology Transfer Agreement, Software Licensing Agreement, Brand Protection Agreement, Franchisee Agreement, Assignment Agreement(s), etc.

Our intellectual property law firm in India regularly assist clients in initiating and defending Intellectual Property Litigation (both civil suits and criminal complaints) in respect of infringement & passing off at various District and High Courts of India as well as the Supreme Court of India. The Intellectual Property team also works closely with our transactional lawyers to address and resolve issues at the intersection of intellectual property and other laws (including consumer protection laws, unfair competition laws, etc.).

Themislaw & Associates intellectual property attorneys in India regularly serve numerous clients and renders intellectual property services in various sectors including (but not limited to) entertainment, technology, electronics, lighting, personal care and sanitary, FMCG, pharmaceutical, security, digital gold, sports, real estate, e-commerce, education, hospitality, etc.
Themislaw & Associates is known for providing outstanding Intellectual Property Legal services. Headquartered in Hyderabad, we serve clients nationally & internationally.

Themis law associates Expertise In Intellectual Property

Themis law associates is ranked amongst the top full-service law firms in India and is recognized for its experienced and robust IP practice. Founded in 2020, Themis law associates has been bestowed with numerous prestigious awards, has been listed in reputed rankings and has been recognized by numerous websites for its exceptional and niche intellectual property practice.

Themis law associates focus on IP spans the entire range of intellectual property rights and categories including – trademarks & brands, patents & inventions, technologies and techniques, copyrights & creativity, industrial & aesthetic designs, entertainment, media, broadcasting, digital, streaming and related rights, information technology (IT), internet and cyber law, product development & technical know-how, IP asset management, IP policy and regulation, product liability & consumer protection, telecom & communication, and trade secrets.

With the benefit of being a full-service law firm with offices based out of Hyderabad, Themis law associates is equipped to handle legal queries involving the overlap of multiple legal fields such as unfair competition laws, consumer protection laws, competition laws, etc.

Themislawassociates is also a recognised member of various international legal organizations including Interlegal, ILN (International Lawyers Network), etc. We are very active in the functioning of these organizations through the publishing of content, attending events.

In addition to a spacious and elegant physical office space in the heart of New Delhi, we also possess sophisticated technical infrastructure which evolves as per the Clients’ needs and the changing legal landscape. Themis law associates platform for docketing and tracking its entirely digitized files enables its Attorneys to be readily available from any location.

Focus Areas


Trademark attorneys are a significant aid for enterprises looking to develop and safeguard their brand property. Our trademark lawyers in India offers a range of services with respect to trademarks including management of trademark portfolios for our clients, conducting pre-filing clearance searches, prosecuting applications, handing oppositions/rectifications, managing registrations, etc.


Themis law associates assists its clients with securing copyright registrations (for literary, musical and dramatic works), enforcing our client’s rights in cases of copyright infringements, assisting with licensing and assignment of copyright, etc.


We assist in conducting pre-filing design searches, filing and prosecuting design applications, and identifying and enforcing the design rights of our clients.


Themis law associates assists its clients with the prior art and novelty searches, providing patentability opinions, drafting of claims and filing of patent applications, patent infringement searches and analyses, patent litigation services, etc.

Geographical indications

Themis law associates specialized team of attorneys are well versed with the theoretical and practical knowledge pertaining to geographical indications and advise clients (including NGOs, trusts and other organizations) in securing and enforcing rights in geographical indications.

Domain name disputes

We regularly advise and assist our clients in filing domain name disputes under the INDRP (IN Domain Name Dispute Resolution Policy) before the NIXI (National Internet Exchange of India) and UDRP (Uniform Dispute Resolution Policy) before the WIPO Arbitration and Mediation Center and the ADR Forum.

Our Intellectual Property Services
Our trademark attorney in India assists our clients in conducting pre-filing clearance searches through third-party specialised software. This helps the client in finalising a suitable brand ensuring that the chances of any third-party claims are minimised.

We assist the client with the filing trademark/copyright/design/patent applications, responding to any technical/substantive objections (in the Examination Reports), responding to provisional refusals, drafting of use Affidavits, attending hearings at the Trade Marks Registry/Copyright Office/Patent Office, etc.

Themislawassociates offers watch services for its clients to identify any potential marks of concern which have been filed by third parties in India. We assist clients in initiating opposition actions, defending oppositions, collating evidence and preparing Affidavits (for opposition and cancellation proceedings), attending hearings at the Trade Marks Registry, etc.

Themislawassociates intellectual property attorneys in India assists clients with post-registration activities such as filing for renewal applications, recordal of registrant’s change of name and address, etc.

Themislawassociates has a dedicated team which regularly apprises Clients about unauthorized and illegal use of its Clients’ IP and thereafter recommends a holistic strategy to counter such activities (through the issuance of legal notices, takedown notices, etc.)

Themislawassociates regularly initiates lawsuits for enforcement of Client’s IP rights through its specialized team in various fora across India including district courts, high courts as well as the Supreme Court of India.

Domain name disputes
We assist our Clients in initiating actions under the Uniform Dispute Resolution Policy (UDRP) before the WIPO Arbitration and Mediation Center and ADR Forum and under the IN Domain Name Dispute Resolution Policy (INDRP) before the NIXI against cyber squatters.

Licensing and Assignments
Themislawassociates assists its clients in any transactional matters involving licensing and assignment of their intellectual properties. These include drafting, reviewing and negotiating of relevant agreements.

Work Highlights
  • We have recently obtained a favourable interim injunction order for one of our clients in a pending trademark infringement and passing off a lawsuit.
  • We have filed trademark applications for the shape of a clock for one of our clients based out of the United Kingdom.
  • We have successfully obtained a copyright registration for its software for one of our technology clients.
  • We have been able to obtain trademark registration by overcoming the distinctiveness objection by relying upon the trans-border reputation of the mark.
Why Choose Us As Your Intellectual Property Law Firm?

Experienced Team

At Themis law associates, we believe that we are as good as our team, Our principle has guided us to ensure that we have the best IPR lawyers in India based at our main offices while a team of leading IPR lawyers in other parts of the world run our various practices globally, thus ensuring optimum management and service of even the most complex transactions. It is due to our standards of professional responsibility when dealing with our clients and various matters, which we stringently abide by that has enabled us to qualify as one of the most reputed IPR law firms in India.

Industry Experience

Whilst themis law associates has been able to cater to legal needs pan India as well as globally, its main founding office and headquarters is in Hyderabad and it is due to this foothold,We have played a vital role in providing advice to the government on various legal and policy-related issues and is amongst the few corporate law firms in India to have the experience and optimal understanding of interpretation and drafting of policy matters.

Client Centric Approach

Themis law associates adopts an approach that demands the highest levels of knowledge, technical skill and service delivery allowing us to provide accurate, reliable, timely, and cost-effective advice while maintaining international standards of excellence and create a bespoke approach for every client and their business. Our unique perspective of working on our client’s matters as a critical part of their team allows us to address their problems like our own. We believe that each client comes with different requirements and concerns – and we work tirelessly to achieve their goals and pursue their objectives.

Cost Efficient

We make sure that our fee structure and the legal costs involved are very transparent and predictable for our clients. We believe that client relationships are based on trust and a sense of common purpose and we never falter on our promise making us one of the best corporate law firms in India. Our priority has been to deliver the best legal & business solutions and our fee arrangements are tailored to the needs of the client, the client’s goals, and the nature of the matter.

Frequently Asked Questions

Few most frequently asked questions on Intellectual Property Rights In India. Feel free to contact us for any other queries.

1. What do you mean by intellectual property?
Intellectual property (IP) refers to creations of the mind, such as brands, symbols, names; content and images; literary, artistic, musical and dramatic works; inventions; and designs used in commerce.

2. What are the different laws pertaining to Intellectual Properties?
The Intellectual Property statues in India include the Trade Marks Act, 1999; Copyright Act, 1957; Designs Act, 2000; Patents Act, 1970; Geographical Indications of Goods (Registration and Protection) Act, 1999; Protection of Plant Varieties and Farmers’ Rights Act, 2001, etc. (as well as the Rules framed under these statutes).

3. Why choose themis law associates as your Intellectual Property law firm in India?
The presence of experienced IPR lawyers, trademark lawyers and patent lawyers at Themis, the cutting-edge technology deployed by the firm coupled with the cross-sectional legal work done by various attorneys at the firm makes it a perfect choice for all prospective clients for handling their intellectual property portfolios.

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